The ornate rooms to the chancery lane frontage have
impressive windows and ceilings,
suitable for a variety of uses
The Building
114 Chancery Lane is an impressive building constructed with Portland Stone façades. The property was occupied by The Law Fire Insurance Society from 1859–1907 and their motif still adorns the exterior. The building was extended to include the Bell Yard premises in 1859, with a modern link between the buildings introduced in a refurbishment in 1994.
staircase would look once redecorated
Right: Façade Details
London Wc2
The ornate rooms to the chancery lane frontage have impressive windows and ceilings, suitable for a variety of uses
The Building
114 Chancery Lane is an impressive building constructed with Portland Stone façades. The property was occupied by The Law Fire Insurance Society from 1859–1907 and their motif still adorns the exterior. The building was extended to include the Bell Yard premises in 1859, with a modern link between the buildings introduced in a refurbishment in 1994.
Right: Façade Details
London Wc2 Further Information